Past – Out of the Darkness

Navigating significant shifts in day-to-day realities, the loss of life and love I thought would last forever. This work was born out of an exploration of both theme and medium to form a bridge
back to myself, an attempt to find peace within upheaval…
With the beginning of the pandemic, the world grew quiet, my work, much like life – stalled.
There seemed little room for the elaborate, decorative nature of my previous practice. Like many, I was at a loss. Though I was privileged to find myself physically in a beautiful place,
emotionally and creatively, I found myself in near-constant darkness.
During this period, a convergence of mediums and what may be considered two distinct
bodies of work emerged, providing what turned out to be a complicated path out of that
A symbol of rebirth and resurrection, the hare, has been a consistent image in my work, and as such, provided the foothold to push forward. A messenger between this world and the next,
the Raven became a keystone discovered along the path. The peony thought to symbolize good luck and prosperity – elusive qualities that tend to ebb and flow – here speaks to the fragility of life. Together, these seemingly disparate subjects provide a perch from which I can look back and see the darkness receding.

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, October 1  from 7 to 9 pm

Join us IN-PERSON for the Opening Reception at the Leslie Grove Gallery and Leslie Grove Park.
See the show, meet other artists, bring a friend!

COVID-19 Protocols:

  • We will monitor the entry and exit of people from the gallery in accordance with the COVID guidelines.
  • We will flow over into the Leslie Grove Park, social distancing, for conversation.